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Why Parents Should Understand Behavioral Health Disorders

Why Parents Should Understand Behavioral Health Disorders

Behavioral health disorders are not limited to adults and they are more prevalent than many parents realize. But one of the most important things that parents need to know is that the same professional who tends to their child's physical health can also be trusted with concerns regarding their behavioral health, their Tucson, AZ, pediatrician, Dr. Joy Peskin of Desert Willow Pediatrics.

Signs & Symptoms

Because the conditions that qualify as behavioral health disorders are many, so are the possible symptoms that your child may exhibit, but there are some commonalities between them.

Behavior and mood changes are normal for a developing child, but it could be a sign of concern if your child has experienced a significant change in their behavior, or if they are exhibiting constant negative behaviors.

Defining what constitutes as significant can be difficult, but some common examples include a child who has lost interest in activities and things they used to enjoy, a student with excellent grades who is suddenly struggling, or if you notice a decline in their self-care and grooming.

There may be more clear signs that your child needs help, such as practicing self-injurious behavior, if they are engaging in substance abuse, or physical symptoms begin to manifest, such as sudden weight loss, weight gain, or frequent headaches, or stomachaches.

Behavioral Health Treatment in Tucson, AZ

There are a variety of conditions that fall in line with what's considered a behavioral health disorder, and these can include depression, anxiety, ADHD, and emotional and mood disorders, among others.

But what many have in common is that the earlier these are diagnosed the better impact that treatment can have on your child. Your child's pediatrician can help guide you to the best treatment and provide referrals to specialists, such as counselors and psychologists.

You can dial 520-751-4124 if you have questions regarding your child's behavioral health and if you want to schedule a consultation in Tucson, AZ, with Dr. Peskin of Desert Willow Pediatrics.